
Amazing Prime Minister Youth Laptop Scheme 2023

Laptop Youth Fesitive

Prime Minister Youth Laptop Scheme. The Prime Minister’s Youth Laptop Scheme for 2023 is an auspicious initiative introduced by the government of Pakistan under the leadership of PM Shahbaz Sharif, which aims to distribute laptops to the country’s worthy young scholars.

  • Pakistan’s government launched the Prime Minister’s Youth Laptop Scheme in 2023.
  • The initiative aims to provide laptops to deserving students.
  • The scheme is under the leadership of PM Shahbaz Sharif.

This program intends to support deserving students by providing them with the necessary tools to further their education and achieve their academic goals. Aiming to bridge the digital divide, this scheme is a commendable step towards a more technologically empowered Pakistan.

  • The program supports deserving students with tools for education.
  • Aims to bridge the digital divide.
  • The scheme is a commendable step towards a technologically empowered Pakistan.

Some Other Points:-

  • The 2023 edition of the Prime Minister’s Youth Laptop Scheme was inaugurated in Pakistan by the esteemed PM Shahbaz Sharif..
  • The purpose of this program is to furnish deserving young students with laptops to aid them in pursuing their academic endeavors and achieving their educational aspirations.
  • The primary objective of the initiative is to establish a pathway that connects individuals and communities who lack access to advanced technology and digital resources, thereby enabling them to obtain equal opportunities and knowledge, ultimately driving the country towards technological empowerment.

Prime Minister Youth Laptop Scheme:-

The primary goal that this program aims to achieve is rendering aid to an enormous count of 100,000 exceptionally talented and ingenious scholars, enabling them to acquire a personal computer granted directly by the esteemed Prime Minister of Pakistan.

The arrangement is designed to encompass a broad range of individuals and satisfy the needs of scholars who have registered in multiple tertiary institutions across the nation, by furnishing them with a plethora of advantageous opportunities.


  • Goal: Help 100k bright students in Pakistan by giving them laptops from Prime Minister
  • The scheme is for students in universities and colleges across the country
  • Scheme is inclusive and offers multiple benefits.

Laptop Scheme 2023 Merit:-

Laptops are granted under the Prime Minister Youth Laptop Scheme solely on a merit basis. The selection process of eligible and deserving students is based on their academic performance and qualifications.

Criteria such as educational performance, grades, automatic, top-take, and marks usually determine the selection of students. The scheme’s particulars and selection criteria can fluctuate based on merit, and the ultimate timeframe and terms and conditions can also be determined.

  • Criteria like educational performance, grades, and marks are used to select students
  • Selection criteria and scheme particulars may vary based on merit
  • Ultimate timeframe and terms and conditions are also determined

How to Apply for the PM Youth Laptop Scheme?

• Students who meet the eligibility requirements and express an interest are able to submit an application for this program by accessing the designated website that has been authorized for this purpose by the appropriate authority. www.pmyp.gov.pk.

  • Eligible students can apply for the program.
  • Students who are interested should access the designated website.
  • The website has been authorized for this purpose by the appropriate authority.

Every single aspect pertaining to the qualification and standards for suitability as well as the process of submitting an application can be found described in thorough detail on the website.

Qualification and standards for suitability, and the application process, are described in thorough detail on the website.

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Prime Minister Youth Laptop Scheme
Prime Minister Youth Laptop Scheme